**See the GMA Advice Guru tab for updates**
Second Cut Coming Tuesday on Good Morning America
I'll admit it, I've been thinking about this all day. And I know why I didn't make the cut, why my submission had no right to be there. Mine was lacking personality. It was lacking my personality. With the 300 word restriction in mind, I focused more on what I had to offer. I put great pains into making sure I used proper sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling. But I left my personality along side the road in my process. It was like a slice of white bread without so much as a smear of butter. So I figured I wouldn't be in the cut. But the group we have is somewhat surprising to me.
Second Cut Coming Tuesday on Good Morning America
I'll admit it, I've been thinking about this all day. And I know why I didn't make the cut, why my submission had no right to be there. Mine was lacking personality. It was lacking my personality. With the 300 word restriction in mind, I focused more on what I had to offer. I put great pains into making sure I used proper sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling. But I left my personality along side the road in my process. It was like a slice of white bread without so much as a smear of butter. So I figured I wouldn't be in the cut. But the group we have is somewhat surprising to me.
“Teachers, nurses, hairdressers, bartenders, and stay-at-home moms applied.”
That's what they said after the closing date for accepting submissions. Quite a variety of people, but why not? GMA invited a variety of every day folks to enter submissions. Teachers, writers, housewives, and stay-at-home moms. You got the impression that they wanted the kind of advice you'd get from people that have been through it, not the trained psychologist responses. Having studied some psychology myself, I know there are merits and downfalls to the clinical approaches to things, but over all they are well trained and only want to help people.
I expected to see more bartenders with sage advice, more hairdressers with tales of how others deal with things, more teachers that deal with dozens of children at a time. I didn't not expect to see one lone teacher in a cluster of psychologists, psychiatrists, best selling how-to authors, and advice columnists, all with lengthy resumes, taking the lead. Let's look at our top 20 contenders, then I'll meet you at the bottom of the page..
**UPDATE: Since the original posting of the blog, I've had opportunity to get to know some of the finalists. I have started interviews with those interested. Links to those interviews are included in the description of the finalists below.**
**UPDATE: Since the original posting of the blog, I've had opportunity to get to know some of the finalists. I have started interviews with those interested. Links to those interviews are included in the description of the finalists below.**
Licensed Professional Counselor and Relationship Consultant
"I am witty, smart, and I look great on air. I know this because I was a featured correspondent on a live morning talk show in Milwaukee called "The Morning Blend". "
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JC Conrad-Ellis |
396 word essay! (Remember, we had a 300 word limit.)
Parenting guru on "The Doug Pagitt Radio Show"
Actress and show-tune singer
TV and radio personality - regular contributor to GMA, TODAY, THE VIEW, the CBS MORNING SHOW and OPRAH
Advice columnist
Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude B.A. degree in Journalism from UC Berkeley
J.D. from UC Hastings College of Law
Rotary Fellow to Cambridge University in England where I earned a degree in International Law
Published in the International Law Journals.
633 Word essay! (300 word limit? As impressive as her credentials are, I wonder if she is the one on all of the producers' lists. They must really like her to ignore the limitation that was in place during the entire process.)
Masters in Psychology
Certified Professional Life Coach, specializing in relationships and finance
Proudly had plastic surgery
Ran a successful film music business for over 10 years
Done voice over
Competitive ballroom dancer
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Liz Pryor |
Write a parenting column for Munchkin Baby.com
Regular monthly guest on Leeza Gibbons nationally syndicated radio show Hollywood Confidential
309 Word essay! (OK, nine words over isn't such a big deal especially in light of being over nearly double, or despite the fact thousands of others counted each word carefully.)
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Lissa Coffey |
Graduated from UCLA in 1983 with a degree in Sociology
Certified in hypnotherapy, meditation, ayurveda
Worked as the parenting reporter at a local TV station
Experience in radio and video
Life coach
WNBA & NCAA Champion (Here is your WNBA player!)
Former Fortune 100 sales executive
“...it ain't about me.” (I can't imagine it being considered excellent writing to use the word 'ain't'. That shows what I learned from all of this. Personality, even if it comes through with words that would make your English teacher cry.)
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Bette Alkazian |
Former advice columnist, New York Post
Television reporter/ contributor/ love advice expert (programs listed below)
"My TV credits include: The Today Show; The Early Show; CNN; Fox News; VH1; Good Day New York; Maury; Politically Incorrect; Entertainment Tonight; Living It Up!; The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch; Geraldo; Montel; Good Morning America (!); and The View which I co-hosted seven times when I was chosen as a co-host finalist by Barbara Walters."
Licensed Professional Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Master's Degree in Counseling
Currently working on my doctorate in Educational Leadership (grad May 2011)
369 Word essay! (I give up, clearly I missed the memo that said the word limit was just a suggestion. At least it isn't 600 words long.)
NAFTA negotiations to the Kennedys
Obama's Transition Team
Advised global CEO's with the Albright Stonebridge Group
Lost 50 pounds (camera ready!)
(Hey, I can see getting out of politics, Washington D.C. is a scary place these days.)
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Cooper Boone |
Two masters and a doctoral degree in clinical psychology
Middle school and junior high school teacher
Eighteen years of military experience
(FINALLY!! A teacher!)
Board certified adult psychiatrist
Heir to beer distribution company
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Billy Ward |
OK, several of the women above, and a few of the men, would be considered the “whole package”. Extensive training in psychology, per-existing television presence, published authors, and let's be frank, gorgeous. They would be a credit to any major network looking for their own Dr. Phil. But wait. What were they looking for? Who did they extend the invitation to? Housewives? Teachers? Stay-at-home moms? Hairdressers? Bartenders? Every day people with every day advice. I can see the temptation to snag one of these gems, some expecting million-dollar contracts? But what about the hairdresser that has sage advice that she's been doling out for years that would be over the moon to get paid $100,000 a year, four or five paid trips to New York, Skyping in once in a while, and working from home? After all, that was the impression giving initially. Answering questions from viewers from home, making a web presence on a full time basis, with the occasional television appearance.
I think Good Morning America's producers lost sight of the intent they presented initially in the glow of the shiny prospects that landed in front of them.
Oh Sweetness, Don't continue to wonder/worry why you didn't make the cut, just ponder why some of these folks did! I too was one of the 15,000 applicants who were misled. Can I tell you how manically I counted those freaking words!
ReplyDeleteSo while doing the backstroke down the river of denial yesterday, I read each answer and essay.
While I am in total agreement that these folks have impressive credentials and are surely quite lovely, under 45 creatures, I found their answers to be quite pedestrian at best. The only token regular guy is the teacher/military man.
C'mon GMA where is the personality, the entertainment, the insight?? I have to say I would adore the opportunity to go head to head with any of these guys in the "real" world. You can't get a degree in wisdom, in personality or in people skills.....that just comes with the years and experiences, trials and triumphs.
While I feel your pain, along with the 15,000 or so others who feel the same, I must go now and continue rolling on the river.
Sadly, I agree with you. For about a week, I wondered if GMA really intended to hire a "regular" person. Then it occurred to me that the show hasn't been interesting since Diane Sawyer left. Pleasant? Sure it is; polite, politically correct, predictable and dull. But without Diane Sawyer's sparkle, the show bored me and I only began watching it again when people I knew applied for the advice guru job. When I saw the video of Dr. Deb, I realized that their choice was likely to be..polite, pleasant, politically correct and predictable as the dickens.
ReplyDeleteThis was probably just a publicity stunt. Wonder how well it worked, considering that 14,999 people will probably, now, change the channel...
I'm not fretting over why I didn't make the cut, I'm a critical enough writer to see why my submission would blend in with the crowd.
ReplyDeleteBut some of those selected were shocking. 633 words. One is full of misspellings and lacking in punctuation. Those do seem to be the ones that have previous relationships with GMA.
I don't think Dr. Deb is the one on all of the producers' lists anymore though, I think it is Vicki Iovine. How else do you explain the complete disregard of the rules?
But I agree, there will most likely be 15,000 viewers that are completely insulted by this shift in priorities, that is if finding somebody with common advice ever really was the priority.
I really thought Meghan Lynn Allen would be one of the finalists. She's witty and the camera likes her. She has a profile at www.letsvlog.com, Megvlogs. Maybe if she had a PhD or extensive television experience...
There are many place to go to get "professional" advice. I would have preferred to have someone like Gayla as an advice columnist as i want someone who researches and doesnt just follow western medicine only. I mean if i have an issue i wouldnt want to talk to freud, with all the psychology theories that dont seem to work for most people. If they knew what they were talking about we wouldnt have so many depressed people.
ReplyDeleteWith Gayla, she would not offer just the standard doc answer. She would use her life experiences and research for answers in different realms, not just the old tried and true that doesnt work anyway. and with people who assume they know it all and so dont research further. That is how i find people with credentials after their name.
I would sooner talk to Gayla and here "real" responses how i could help myself. Not some doc saying we call that the "blank syndrome".
I also think its a crock to run a competition that allows some to send in longer responses and doesnt articulate clearly what they are looking for. Encouraging housewives and writers to apply and then hiring a pro. Using the ideas of all those that wrote.
Sorry GMA, but Gayla is still my Guru. ♥
And again, I agree. Just from reading this blog, I already know that I would rather talk to Gayla about a problem than one of those bragging glamour girls who seem much too self-involved to answer without wondering how she is coming across and what everyone is thinking of her. I am utterly disappointed with the choices, but not surpriised.
ReplyDeleteYou know, regardless of the job, if there are ton of applicants, that will lessen your chances. The very best person for the job may have been dismissed out of hand right from the start.
ReplyDeleteI would have LOVED for you to get this! I'd be able to say, Hey! That girl? Yeah..we talk. :)
My spouse brought up an interesting point.
ReplyDeleteHow many times have you clicked on the GMA page during this quest? My visits were at least 3 to 4 times daily. Now multiply that by 15,000 plus family, friends and supporters. That adds up to hundreds of thousands of dollars (at least) in ad revenue for ABC.
Those 15,000 plus who may change the channel will simply be a tiny, misty drop in the ocean in ABCville.
Well kudos for business ABC.....and shame on you for making "real" people believe they had a shot at a dream job.
Onward and upward I say.
I just may have to rethink the happiest place on earth;}
I hadn't considered the 'click' revenue of all of it. And it was deceitful and misleading to invite "all walks of life" when they clearly only intended to entertain the possibilities with profesionals.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if we can make enough noise to draw their attention?
Michelle, naw, you'd been able to say, "Yeah, she's MY fan!" =D
ReplyDeleteDear Gayla,
ReplyDeleteSo like you I spend a lot of time on the internet and found your post about the GMA Advice Guru finalists. I really appreciated your thoughts and those of the commenters as well and I wanted to add my own.
But first I need to come clean. I also applied for the GMA job and - for some amazing, crazy, awesome reason - I DID get that call. And this in not to rub it in for you but to say that while I too think some of these people are very qualified and polished, I don't really see myself quite that way. Yes I do have a degree but I earned at 41 after screwing up many things in life so I figured I earned the paper credentials after I earned the life one.
My guess is that it could have been one word, one person's take vs another that led one person to move up while another to not. And I am very glad I didn't have that job!
Anyway - One thing I don't like about this 'competition' is that life is better with more good advice not less. And picking one person doesn't discount all the other great advice out there. The world needs us all helping people do a better job, lending support, sharing our lives and keeping each other going.
So I guess what I want to say is that you have a great energy. That is obvious. And you are putting it out there in an important and genuine way. So if I can give you some advice - it would be just keep doing what you are doing. And define success by doing it the best you can.
I hope you are ok with my commenting on your blog.
Good luck and take care - Annie
p.s. It might interest you to know that even if you had made the 20 - you might have been like me right now - fairly objectively thinking that others have more of what GMA is looking for. Not that it isn't an honor to be in that 20 and I think I give great advice but they are only going to pick one and let's just say I am not counting any chickens:-)
ReplyDeleteNot sure what we could do to get their attention.
An email campaign might raise an eyebrow if we could get many more on board.
I know I would feel better if we could at least speak out.
I think if we get the word around (to the others from the ignored 15,000?) that we need to speak up, maybe we can force a little attention on it.
ReplyDeleteThey need to explain why there are finalists that couldn't stay within the instructed boundaries, or why there are some that have acheived fame in other aspects. There are only a few that qualify as average Americans. Many that would qualify as celebrity.
Gayle, How do you propose we spread the word?
ReplyDeleteWe can start by tracking down and contacting other people that submitted entries. Maybe send this viral to find the rest...
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think?
You can count me in but not sure how to help make this go viral. I have already sent it to the person I know who applied, she didn't even want to read it, she said she is, "over the whole thing": I'm not over it, though, unfairness like this really gets my blood up. Maybe you could make a video and put it on youtube? Then we can post to facebook, send out tweets and so on.
ReplyDeleteHey, lead the way to viralville!
ReplyDeleteI just saw Amy Kean on GMA......from a "non-misled" point of view, she looks great, articulates well and dispenses her benine advice with ease.
ReplyDeleteABC just may have selected these "safe, proven candidates" because they are the best qualified?
Just playing satans sidekick......but suppose that is not the real issue here.
I do think they chose their candidates for their qualifications, and for that I can't really blame them. But they led thousands to believe that qualifications weren't as important as a person's ability to find and give great answers.
ReplyDeleteEither they were trying to stir up website clicks by broadening the application base, or they didn't put a lot of forethought into this venture. What ever the reason, they should address it. I always liked watching GMA because it felt like a friendly setting, the team were people I could trust.
Entries with 9 words extra I could see giving a slide if the submission was exceptional, but 333 words? That entrant exceeds 200 words on each of her questions as well. I would be very suspicious and lose all faith in the GMA crew if that woman won the job.
I don't currently have a working webcam, if anybody does they can make a video and I'll feature it on my blog.
I've been looking into the candidates and Dr. Deborah Rouse-Raines stands out to me. I hope the best for all of the candidates, and blame none of them for the issues that have risen. I would imagine many of them looked at their competition and raised an eyebrow as well.
To send this viral, post links to this blog on your Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter accounts. Grab my button and post it to your own blogs and steer friends toward it. Send links of it to ABC, if they get enough links they'll be tempted to look.
ReplyDeleteThey need to know that with the exception of a few, they completely weeded out the average person that they directed the invitation to. Even if they apologized and said that they received more submissions that were exceptionally qualified than they anticipated, at least they would be addressing it.
They've been overly vague and off schedule from the onset, if they were ill-prepared for the responses they should say so.
Annie, I'm so sorry! For whatever reason, your comment was put in the spam file instead of posted! Maybe it was the length, but if that's the case it's a wonder mine don't wind up there. lol
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate your comments and your support. I've spoken to a few people that made the top 20, and I do think many of you have excellent credentials for such a position. You're one of several I spotted before the finalists were announced, so don't count yourself out yet. =D
I don't have a problem with any of the finalists, we're all just trying to etch out our own nitch in the world. I think GMA didn't think this through when they started it, and they left a lot of people feeling used. It may not have been intentional, but even that could be said.
Keep pushing the positive, Annie, it ain't over til it's over! =D
Annie, Good for you girl!
ReplyDeleteHappy to see a down to earth gal have a shot at this dream position. Just remember, you have something to offer none of the others do, your genuine self......Keep in touch, I want to know alllll the details.
Gayle, Tell us who you spoke to in the top 20, and how.
ReplyDeleteI started following those that have Twitter accounts to see what type of responses I'd get in return. I got some personal "thanks for following" responses, some form-letter styled responses, and some private responses.
ReplyDeleteI won't say who responded in private because that's a violation of trust. I pride myself on maintaining confidences for anybody that sends me a personal message, I leave the telling to the other person in all cases unless they ask me to do otherwise.
It might sound corny, but a lot of people trust me with confidences and if I violate one it lessens how much others can trust me.
Dear Gayla - glad you cleared that up. I had wondered. I guess I went over the word limit!!!
ReplyDeleteLet's stay in touch and good luck with all your endeavors.
~ Annie
I felt badly when I found it there, Annie. I've never been a fan of censorship, and I'd never to it to anybody. I wouldn't remove anybody's comments unless they asked me to or it it showed up multiple times.
ReplyDeleteDrop me an email, I completely agree with the more help rather than less concept. I love bouncing ideas off of a wide variety of people, it gives me a chance to change my mind about things. =D
For that matter, it goes for Carla and anybody else interested in talking. I check my email repeatedly through the day, and I'm always happy to see email other than forwards and "junk mail". lol gayla.tanner@gmail.com
Gayle, Certainly.....I agree, lets keepin touch.
Carla, I tried following your link to your blog but it wasn't open. I'm guessing you have your own site now, give it a plug! =D
ReplyDeleteWished I did......really never gave it a thought until you mentioned it.....hmmmmm interesting.
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